
Binary Decimal Hexadecimal Octal bin dec hex oct converter calculator

Binary to Decimal Decimal to Binary Hex to Decimal Decimal to Hex Octal from Octal Converter from Binary

Binary-Dec.com is a simple converter between Binary, Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal. Decimal to IEEE-754 will also be supported soon. We offer you 3 different representations for negative binary numbers - Two's complement, Ones' complement and normal with a minus sign. We support small and also very big numbers in our convertor. You can convert numbers even bigger than 10^100 (decimal). The conversion happens immediately right after you enter a value. There is no waiting or other difficulties. This is the best online converter regarding the number of options and supported numeral systems.

Everything is really easy to use. You just click on the desired system from which you would like to convert and you enter the number in the field: "Enter a value" After that you will see your result in the other 3 input fields.

The website supports Desktop and Mobile browsers. You can use the convertor on any device you want. It is light and small so it will load fast even if you do not have a fast internet connection and if will use only a little data from your internet plan.

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